Characteristics of the six-petal diet, the author's recommendations and the advantages of this technique
- When you are assigned a defined set of products, those products cannot be adjusted, substituted with similar ingredients, or supplemented;
- Don’t eat more food than allowed, but don’t eat too little, which can also lead to negative consequences;
- Days of the week cannot be swapped or skipped; if failed, the course will have to be repeated again;
- The last time to eat is 4 hours before going to bed (regardless of day or night);
- The premise is to follow a drinking regimen; you should drink 6 or more glasses of healthy fluids every day;
- In terms of diet, we eliminate sugar, hot seasonings and spices from our diet and limit salt consumption;
- All foods can be steamed, boiled, stewed, roasted, dried, eaten raw, but in no case should fatty sauces, marinades, savory seasonings, animal fats (butter, lard, margarine, mayonnaise) be addedwait);
- You should exit the diet smoothly and carefully to avoid gaining weight again;
- The course can be repeated up to six months later.
- The diet is very effective - you can lose 0. 5-0. 8kg of excess weight every day effortlessly;
- No need to weigh food or research its calorie and carbohydrate content;
- Diet is universal and suitable for both men and women;
- Contains all-natural and healthy products with beneficial effects on digestion and immunity;
- Diet can help you rid your body of toxins, poisons, protein breakdown products, waste products, salts and suspended solids, free radicals;
- Diet can also help you eliminate excess fluid and reduce swelling in your limbs, tissues, and face;
- All products, familiar from European cuisine, are distributed in markets and stores at affordable off-season prices;
- Eating doesn't require cooking fun either, saving a lot of time and energy and allowing you to cook for the whole family;
- Eating discipline and inculcating healthy habits;
- Combine diet with moderate physical activity and exercise;
- The menu is varied, satisfying and interesting, allowing you to eat your fill in 6 days with completely different products, including vitamins;
- After the course, your metabolism will be significantly accelerated, and if you exit the diet correctly, you will continue to lose weight;
- The diet is fast, with excellent results in just 6 days, and is ideal for those who want to lose weight before an event or holiday.
The "Six Petals" diet is a set of products and a written nutrition plan
first day."Fishy" (protein). It is not without reason that this day is the first in the cycle, since fish is completely digestible, has a moderate caloric content, fills the body with necessary and valuable fats, and is well prepared for the following single day. Due to a nutritious diet, the body's "vigilance" weakens, the metabolism begins to actively consume calories, and turns off the storage mode. Therefore, half a kilogram of various cooked fish and seafood is allocated every day. You can also drink fish soup, but it is not included in the prescribed amount. Day 2."Vegetables" (carbohydrates). The lowest daily calories, using the energy of plant carbohydrates and dietary fiber to nourish the body. On this day, metabolism reaches its limit and actively consumes existing fat deposits. The menu includes 1-1. 5kg of various vegetables and garden herbs, as well as beans, soy products and mushrooms. The third day."Chicken" (protein). On this day, due to the pure protein menu, the body begins to suffer from a lack of carbohydrates, so the metabolism still burns fat cells for energy. Half a kilogram of skinless poultry and 2 eggs are allowed as snacks per day. The fourth day."Grains" (carbohydrates). Slow carbohydrates in food replenish glycogen, and all released energy is expended on glycogen. And new needs will continue to be met through the fat layer. Cereal day menu includes 200 grams of dry cereals (different, but oatmeal, buckwheat and brown rice are better). Also include a small handful of sunflower seeds and seeds, a few tablespoons of bran, a packet of grain bread or 2-3 pieces of whole wheat toast. Day five."Curd" (protein). On this day, the body will receive proteins most useful for building bones and muscles, and the supply of macro and micronutrients will be replenished. The menu includes half a kilogram of cottage cheese (fat content up to 5%) and 2 cups of lean milk. Day six."Fruity" (carbohydrates). The fruit will provide the body with a complete fortification, rich in antioxidants, valuable acids and minerals. The menu includes 1-1. 5 kg of various fruits and berries, but we limit sweets. Day 7. This diet of "unloading" is called "six petals", but it lasts for a week, which means that it exists on the seventh day. Therefore, on this day we conduct a comprehensive purification of the body and consolidate the results of weight loss. The menu only includes drinks: milk and fermented milk, fresh and fruit drinks, smoothies, nectar, tea, coffee, herbal infusions, mineral waters, broths and herbal soups.
How to get off the six-petal diet
- Breakfast can include any porridge, fruit, fresh fruit.
- Snacks - cottage cheese with berries, lean milk.
- For lunch, you can make any soup, have an extra helping of brisket and stew.
- Dinner includes steamed fish with lemon and herbs, green salad and fresh vegetable juice (carrots, beetroots, cabbage, tomatoes).
Disadvantages and possible contraindications of the "6-flap" technology
- Diseases associated with fasting: Nausea, weakness, headaches and dizziness, weakness, stomach cramps and cramps, bloating, indigestion, apathy, sleep disorders.
- Changes in appearance: appearance of stretch marks and cellulite, areas of loose and sagging skin, and loss of muscle tights.
- Allergy to certain foods in the diet;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- Children, the elderly, adolescence, menopause;
- Active disease, inflammatory and viral processes;
- Recent psychological breakdown, surgery, injury, serious illness;
- Mental disorders, neurological diseases;
- Diseases of internal body systems: cardiovascular, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, genitourinary, and liver and kidney;
- Stressful working conditions, professional sports.